To be eligible for the Rental Assistance Program, you must live in Washington County, your household income must be at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines, and you must have an Eviction notice, late rent notice, or letter from landlord/property manager confirming amount of past due rent. You also must provide proof of income for all household members 18 and older. Applications cannot be processed without complete information and supporting documentation.
Race:I =American Indian/Alaskan Native, A =Asian, B =Black or African American, P =Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, W =White, MR =Multi-Race, O =Other, NR =Choose not to respond
Gender:M =Male, F =Female, NR =Choose not to respond
Education:8=0-8thGrade, NG=9-12 Non-Graduate, HSG=High School Graduate, GED=GED, SC=Some College or Post-Secondary CD =2 or 4 year College Degree, GD =Graduate Degree or above
I understand that I have the right to appeal any decision regarding this application which I consider improper, and also any delay in decision or delivery of services.
I understand that I must help establish my eligibility by providing as much information as I can about my circumstances.
I authorize the contracted agency to release information relating to my application for Rental Assistance to my landlord/property manager to determine eligibility.
I give permission to the Arkansas Department of Human Services to use information provided on this form for purposes of research, evaluation and analysis of the program.
I understand tbat my landlord/property manager will have no control over the data disclosed pursuant to this consent, and will not be responsible for monitoring or taking any steps to ensure that the CSBG office maintains the confidentiality of the data or uses the data as authorized by you.
I understand that no person may be denied assistance -on the basis of race, color, sex, age, handicap, religion, national origin, or political belief.
I understand that my signature on this application authorizes the agency to make any investigation concerning me or any household member and/or use a copy as a release of information for securing information needed to determine my eligibility for services.
I understand that if I receive assistance to which I am not entitled as a result of withholding information or knowingly providing false or fraudulent information regarding my circumstances, I must repay the cost of any assistance and may face penalty of criminal prosecution.
The information given on this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that this form is signed subject to penalties for perjury.
If your application is complete, please click the submit button below. You will be contacted to schedule a phone interview. Please gather the documents below, prior to your interview:
Driver's License or Photo ID
Water Bill or Disconnect Notice
Social Security Number
Proof of Income for Previous Month for Household Members 18 and older (Including Pay Stubs; Self-Employment Income; Social Security Income (SSA); Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI); Child Support; TEA; Alimony; Unemployment benefits; Worker's
Compensation; Veterans Benefits; Retirement Benefits, etc.)